Friday, July 15, 2011

Germany - Part 1

Our first big trip to the main land was Germany and it was fabulous!  We spent two weeks there and are counting the days until we can return.  I took about 350 pictures and of course can't post all of them on the blog but I am picking out the best pictures of each tour we took.  Below is the first batch and I hope you enjoy: 

Our first week we stayed at Edelweiss Hotel and Resort.  It is located in Garmisch-Partenkirchen (don't ask me to say it!), Germany.  This is the view of our first room there (we had to change the next night).  So beautiful and Alyssa keeps asking to go back.  

 I absolutely love this.  Alyssa is taking a picture of the mountains with her camera.  I can't believe how big she is getting. 

The kids playing on the bed.  I love that they are finally getting a long and playing well together (well some of the time). 

They had an indoor pool that was perfect for smaller children.  We spent almost every day there and both kids loved it.  They also had an outdoor spa which you can see in the top picture which AJ and I couldn't really enjoy because we had no one to watch the kids.  (That is why we are inviting the grandparents along next time we go ;))

The view from our second room.  Even though we lost the balcony view, this worked out better because we had grass outside our door that Alyssa loved to play on.  

Our first tour of the week was to Eibsee Lake.  Once we actually got there the boat tour was cancelled because of the wind but we got to view the lake and walk around a bit.  This is Asher enjoying a rid on Daddys back.  

Alyssa enjoying the views and the wildlife around the lake.  She can always find the animals and wants to pet them.   

Me and the kids in front of Zugspitze mountain.  We also had a Japanese tourist group all stop to take pictures of the kids.  It was so funny.  They loved Alyssa's blue eyes and Asher's blonde hair (who can blame them).

We couldn't leave the resort without having a horse and carriage ride.  I thought Alyssa would love it.  She did for the first 5 minutes but then she just wanted to either ride the horse or go and pet them.  She didn't really enjoy riding behind them.  

But Asher was not sure what to make of them.  I love this picture of him checking out the horses.  He did this through the entire one hour tour.  

A family photo in the carriage. 

Loving the horses.  We finally got to meet them and pet them.  My little girl was on cloud nine.  

The view after the horse ride.  As Alyssa says "the clouds are falling down.  We need to push them back up".  
It was really beautiful. 
I will be posting a part 2 and 3 of our Germany trip tomorrow so stay tuned....


  1. I thought you invited us because we are so much fun but now I see it's to babysit...that works for us. Fantastic pictures

  2. Awesome pictures, you all look great! I just hope we can come visit you guys! Miss you!
