Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Thicket

It has been a while since I posted pictures of the family because it took us a while to get back to a normal routine.  Now we are all doing great and putting finishing touches to the house (pictures coming soon). Below are some random pictures of the kids in the backyard followed by our walk in The Thicket near our house.  Hope you enjoy!

Alyssa enjoying her new swing-set.  
We have to constantly watch how fast she is going. 

My little model. 
 I love this picture and the girl :).

Alyssa in her playhouse.  And yes all 4 of us fit in there.  
We had to (I mean got to) hang out one morning there.  

Asher loves to play ball even if it is a pink princess ball.

A boy and his Dad.  

Asher crawling to me until something caught his eye.
Can we say "Squirrel"

Alyssa and Daddy on her swing-set.  

The Thicket
Alyssa walking up stairs to the top of the ridge.  We even managed to get the double stroller up this.  Rockstar Daddy on AJ's part. 

Alyssa on the stairs again. 

Surprise! Surprise! We found a horse.  
I swear she has a horse magnet.  

How do you not love this dirty face.  Too precious! 

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