Friday, May 13, 2011

Random Pics

We are finally in our house and have most of the unpacking is done (thanks to AJ).  I have not posted pictures yet and to peoples disappointment there are no pictures of the house below.  Once I get some things settled in the house I will take pics and get them posted.  A couple things have happened since Easter, like Alyssa starting school, and I have a few pictures below that I hope you enjoy... (sorry no pictures of Asher...he will make an appearance next post)

YEAH! The first day of school.  
We are leaving our hotel and we are very excited...

 Couldn't wait to get there.  
Running up the path to the school house.  

OK, one picture of the inside of the house.  This is our fire place and a bird has decided to get stuck in there.  This is AJ trying for 2 days to get it out and he was successful. 

We went to a reptile night on base and Alyssa loved it.  She was so sad when she had to give this python back.  

Loving the Blue Tongue Skink.  
The child has no fear, unless it is a tiny spider :)

Touching the Tagu lizard. 

Holding a Meerkat.  It was so cute (just like a cat). 

The next few pictures are of our village.
This is the walking path on the other side of our drive.  This will take you to three different villages and is VERY beautiful. 

Our house from the walking path.  

Walking path continued.  Beautiful. 

The Ouse River that runs at the edge of our village.  

And yes, we have a town square, with a clock. 

Piggy back rides with Daddy.  
Walking through our village back to our home.  


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi All,
    That Alyssa is so sweet, you just have to love her!!!!!! Seeing your pictures was a nice way to start the day. I have to say the love of reptiles must come from the Muhs side of the family...haha. Your village looks so beautiful. I am sure you are loving it there. Have a wonderful day.
    Love and kisses to you all,
    Aunt Mary
