Saturday, July 16, 2011

Germany - Part 4

The final part of our Germany trip.  Hope you enjoyed all 4 parts!

The last tour we did at Edelweiss Resort was a guided tour of Garmisch-Partenkirchen.  It was a fabulous tour and learned a lot of the area.  This is the last picture we have of Alyssa's precious Baby...she will be missed. 

If you look real close to just above the middle of the picture.  You will see a black dot.  This is a skier practice jumping.  These are the ski jumps used in the Olympics and during the summer they wet the green part to act as snow.  It was cool to watch. 

Here we are eating at a cafe on the main street of Partenkirchen.  It was very good and loved eating among the locals. 

This is the main street in Partenkirchen.  I love anywhere you look you have some view of the beautiful mountains.  
(I would not feel the same way in the winter though)

Here is the main street of Garmisch.  Garmisch-Partenkirchen are one town but have two of everything, including their main streets.  Notice the art on the find that everywhere.  It really makes it a beautiful town. 

The Muhs Family in front of a fountain on main street Garmisch.

This stage is located in a beautiful park in Garmisch.  They held (and hope to hold) the medal ceremonies for the Olympics here.  
I love the all the greenery.  

This is the most photographed street in Garmisch.  Unfortunately I took it with a big ugly van in the middle. But is was a beautiful street.  Notice all the houses have flower boxes on their balconies. 

On our way to our second hotel we decided to take a tour of King Ludwig the II's castle.  It is called the Linderhof Palace.  I liked this one the best because of the grounds and it was actually finished inside.  We didn't get to see the entire inside because we had to excuse ourselves from the tour (all I say is CHILDREN).

This is the "frontyard" of the palace.  It really looks like something from a movie.  It was breathtaking and I can't imagine walking out of the palace everyday and looking at this.  

I love accident photos like this one.  I was trying to get them to look at me so I could get the picture taken but this turned out ten times cuter.  I love this shot!

Can I say..."Sound of Music".  I want to run through here with the Von Trapp Family.  Alyssa thought is was fun.  

This is the view from our second hotel and only picture.  We were in the town of  Sonthofen.There was nothing really going on.  We just relaxed and swam A LOT!

Stay tune for pictures of our next adventure...

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