Sunday, February 20, 2011

Ely Cathedral

Today we took our first touristy trip.  We went into the town of Ely and went to the Cathedral there.  It was very beautiful and couldn't believe the detail.  I took some pics but you have to come visit to get the full experience.  We didn't visit the entire town because it was a really cold day but hope to go back when it starts to warm up.  Of course, Alyssa was not a fan of this trip.  She was very bored.  I tried to explain that we will do some trips that mommy and daddy want to do and then we will do trips Alyssa will want to do (not sure if she got it).    I hope you enjoy the pics


  1. Enjoy seeing the pictures. It looks like a very cold day.
    Love You

  2. It is beautiful. Alyssa does look bored...its her payback for making me watch Diego for days on end. Asher has changed just since i left. glad to see you sightseeing. miss you

  3. Oh my gosh Asher is ADORABLE!!! He is growing up before our very eyes!
