Friday, February 18, 2011

Driving in England

Well, today we finally rented a car.  We have only been in the UK for over 2 weeks and I finally nagged AJ enough to rent a car.  I think that this will help us find a house quicker. I hate bothering people for rides to go look at places. 
Tonight, AJ and I practiced our "correct" side of the street driving.  I guess it is political incorrect to say the "wrong" side of the street.  According to the Brits it is the "correct" side.  It wasn't that difficult but we only practiced on base.  We will attempt to drive off base tomorrow and Sunday. WISH US LUCK.
My only helpful hint is to stop looking over your right shoulder when making a turn because there is no traffic coming that way.  They would be coming from your left.  Also, your rear view mirror is up and to the left not your right.  I am sure I will have more to say about driving when I get on the economy. 
Love you all,

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