Tuesday, February 22, 2011

First injury in the UK

Last night Alyssa decided to get a big gash in the back of her head.  Rockstar parenting moment for us.  We decided to let her climb all over the arm chair next to the TV stand in our hotel room.  She then fell backward and hit her head.  I didn't know that she was bleeding until AJ tells me that I had a big blood streak down my face.  It was hard to determine the damage because she was screaming and would let us touch her.  After we cleaned all the blood from her hair we discovered that it wasn't as bad as it looked.  I called a 1800 nurse (because we have no health care set up here) and she just advised us to keep and eye on her and wake her every 2 hours to make sure she responded.  It just made for a very long night.  She is OK and still jumping all over the furniture.  :)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Ely Cathedral

Today we took our first touristy trip.  We went into the town of Ely and went to the Cathedral there.  It was very beautiful and couldn't believe the detail.  I took some pics but you have to come visit to get the full experience.  We didn't visit the entire town because it was a really cold day but hope to go back when it starts to warm up.  Of course, Alyssa was not a fan of this trip.  She was very bored.  I tried to explain that we will do some trips that mommy and daddy want to do and then we will do trips Alyssa will want to do (not sure if she got it).    I hope you enjoy the pics

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Driving in England (part 2)

Well today we took the car for a drive in the economy.  I first need to mention that I was the one who drove.  AJ has lived here before and is being a chicken sh*& about driving.  Of course, he is really quick to correct my errors.  But overall I did pretty well for my first time.  It actually wasnt as hard as I thought it would be.  I only got honked at once.  The TOMTOM(GPS) got us turned around once and I am telling you the truth it wasnt our fault.  There was a change in the road and it wasnt updated but us brillant minds figured it out and got back on track.  We looked at 5 houses (just the locations) to see if they would be worth to look at the insides.  We liked 3 out of 5 and will let you know if we pick one of them for our England home.  We are getting pretty used to living here but definitely miss the sun and warm weather of Phoenix.  To all my Arizona family and friends it is cheap to ship things here, so box some warm weather up and send it our way :). 
Love you all!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Driving in England

Well, today we finally rented a car.  We have only been in the UK for over 2 weeks and I finally nagged AJ enough to rent a car.  I think that this will help us find a house quicker. I hate bothering people for rides to go look at places. 
Tonight, AJ and I practiced our "correct" side of the street driving.  I guess it is political incorrect to say the "wrong" side of the street.  According to the Brits it is the "correct" side.  It wasn't that difficult but we only practiced on base.  We will attempt to drive off base tomorrow and Sunday. WISH US LUCK.
My only helpful hint is to stop looking over your right shoulder when making a turn because there is no traffic coming that way.  They would be coming from your left.  Also, your rear view mirror is up and to the left not your right.  I am sure I will have more to say about driving when I get on the economy. 
Love you all,

Sunday, February 6, 2011

3 days in England.

We have now been in England for 3 days.  The weather has been warmer than I imagined but WINDY!!  There has been a couple times we where walking and I thought that the stroller was going to blow over.  People here say that this is not normal but has not stopped since we landed.  Are they lying???  We have met most of AJ's co-workers and they have been wonderful.  A couple took us around the base yesterday and even took us grocery shopping.  There seems to be a lot of things for kids to do and a lot of information for AJ and I to remember.  I feel a little overwhelmed but still excited to see what is in store for us. 
Things that are different here:
-People actually say "and all that jazz" - which translates to "all that stuff"
-I swear there are 2 outlets in the room that we are staying in and non in the bathroom.
-One thing that I find cool is that when you are sitting at a red light the yellow light will light up when it is about to turn green.  This gives people opportunity to start to go the second it turns green.  At first a little scary because I didn't realize that was happening and our taxi driver kept pressing the gas before it actually turned green.
There will be more to follow: