Monday, September 12, 2011

Castle Rising and the Beach

During Alyssa's summer vacation we decided to go on an outing with some of the friends we made here.  We first stopped at a castle ruin, Castle Rising.  Because it was raining it made for a wet adventure.  Most of the castle didn't have a roof to keep the rain off. After that we ate our lunch in the car and headed over to the beach. Lucky for us the weather started to cooperate and we enjoyed the rest of the day.  Here are a couple pictures of our outing....Enjoy!

Castle Rising (or whats left of it)

All the kids who would cooperate for a picture.  
There are two girls missing including my Alyssa.  

Finally she found her happiness and wanted to have fun.  

The kids loved running around the old castle.  It was nice that we didn't have to worry about them touching things.  Here they are looking out a second story window.  

The entrance staircase.

Family photo time (minus AJ).  

Beach time!!  Of course, Asher loved getting wet and dirty.  Although he didn't much care for the sand on his feet so his shoes went back on.  

That is such a mommy face.  

Good thing I brought a extra pair of clothes for the kids.  
Asher, with his dirty butt, is watching Alyssa getting wet.

My good friend Mallory is helping Alyssa build a sand castle.  Every time the bucket came off with a sand castle underneath Alyssa got so excited.  Very cute.  

Theres a cute smile.  I love this picture. 

Who knew how much fun you could have at the beach even when it is cold and rainy.  

Too cute.  I love getting these kind of shots.  

Enjoying the view and some ice cream.  Priceless.

Wanting a one last shot of the view.  

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