Monday, September 26, 2011

CurveMotion - Rollerskating

We have been trying to get out on the weekends to do a fun family activity.  A couple weekends ago we decided to take Alyssa rollerskating.  We got the idea when she kept going around the house with train cars on her feet like rollerskates.  AJ is REALLY good on skates and he was excited to show her how.  Hope you enjoy the pictures: 

While Daddy got his skates on Alyssa posed for a picture with her cool skates on her feet. 

Alyssa holding on for dear life to the wall and to Daddy.  

She was getting more comfortable with them that she let go of the wall.  

Now she was really enjoying herself.  She did two trips around the rink and then wanted to go play on the playground.  

I am glad we paid good  money to go rollerskating when this is really all she wanted to do.  Its a good thing we love this sweet face. 

Asher got to join in on the fun.  This picture make me laugh because it doesn't really look like him.  He looks like a big boy, not my baby. 

Already the daredevil going head first down the slide.  

Wheres Asher???

1 comment:

  1. Love the pics! Asher is soooo BIG and so stinking adorable! Miss you all!-Rachael
