Monday, September 12, 2011

Woburn Safari Park

AJ's boss recommended a safari park that was not too far away from us so we decided to go this last Sunday.  The weather was suppose to be nice and knowing that winter is just around the corner we wanted to take advantage of it.  We all had a blast and will definitely return sometime in the future.  Hope you enjoy the pictures below...

Before we left we decided to switch Ashers carseat to a forward facing one.  We had to borrow one from a friend.  That is why he is stuck in a purple one.  He didn't care and fell fast asleep in it a few moments after we left.  

When we entered the park we let the kids out of their seats and Asher quickly spotted animals everywhere.  

It was really neat how close they all were to us.  
Say Cheese, AJ.

Some of the animals made us thankful we were in a car.  
Look at those horns!

A lemur getting friendly with Asher.  

A penguin and Alyssa became pals while we waited out the rain.  

Trying to stay dry by the penguin exhibit.  

Don't know if the rain shows up on the blog but it was POURING!  Only in England can rain clouds come in pour for about 20 minutes and then leave.  The rest of the day turned out to be really beautiful.    

We decided to take a break from the animals and played in their indoor playground.  Alyssa enjoyed herself so much.  This is one of the best smiles I have gotten from her.  Such a cute face.  

Alyssa petting a Wallaby.  

At the end of the day AJ and I decided to go back through the road safari because the kids crashed out and we could enjoy the animals in peace.  But for some reasons all the animals wanted to hang out on the road.  Here is a cow that literally walked out as we drove up.  Stood for about 5 minutes and decided to let us pass.  

A black bear decided to take a leisurely walk along the driveway.  

Zebra crossing!  

1 comment:

  1. What a cool concept! I cant believe how big Asher has gotten. Alyssa just keeps getting prettier and prettier....Samuel's a lucky boy! Love you and cant wait to see you! Next month!!!! AHHHHH!
