Sunday, June 9, 2013

Alyssa's first (and probably last) dance recital!

Although Alyssa loved dancing with her friends it is not her true passion (take a wild guess what that is).  So after this great recital she will no longer be dancing.  But I am so glad she had this experience.  She says she doesn't want to dance anymore she just wants to do recitals.  I wonder if that has anything to do with all the attention and flowers she was getting.  But mommy wants her to do it because she looks so darn cute!  Take a look....

The reason Alyssa got into dance.  Her friend Marielle was taking lessons and told Alyssa about it, and I am glad she did.  Aren't they the cutest!

Goofing off before the big performance. 

Sorry for the horrible pictures but had to get a couple shots in.  Their teacher was standing behind the curtain off stage showing them the moves.  Most girls watched her the entire time.  It was really cute. 

This was her routine for ballet. 

Here was her tap class. 

Her Daddy bought her flowers :)

Alyssa and Marielle with all their loot. 

I was so proud of my little girl!

And so was her Daddy. 

I had to get this shot because it was held at the Misawa International Center.  One day I can remind her that she had her first dance recital in JAPAN.  Very cool. 

Now that dance is over Mommy is on the hunt for horse riding lessons.  If you hadn't guessed, that is her true passion.  

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