Sunday, July 21, 2013

Asher turns 3!!

Is my baby boy really 3 years old?!  The time has gone by too fast but we have loved every (well almost every) minute of it.  My dear Asher, you have challenged my parenting skills every step of the way but I wouldn't change you one bit.  This weekend we celebrated Asher's birthday and had a blast doing so.  Hope you enjoy my pics...
Grandma and Papa Mullen spoiled our big boy with lots of gifts.  He was so excited to open them all up. 

 He is turning into ALL boy!  I knew that he would love his sport equipment.  For starters his basketball. 

And of course coming from Grandma he got a baseball glove and ball.  He is still trying to figure out the glove but loves the ball. Thank you Grandma and Papa!

Saturday evening we got together with some of our Japan friends to celebrate this wonderful boy.  We met up at the base beach for some pizza, cake, and fun! (The weather was great too!)

Just in case you didn't know.....he is 3!!!

We had a mixture of Cars and dinosaurs.  This was his cake made by his mom with LOVE.  

He needed no help blowing out the candles this year :( 
(He is growing up too fast)

Lots of wonderful presents, which included a book and cars.  He was a happy boy!

 We stayed the night in the cabin on the base beach.  In the morning the weather was beautiful so we had breakfast on the porch.  And I definitely love the view from the front porch looking in :)

Couldn't miss the family photo opportunity. 

While waiting for the boat rental place to open we walked along the shore.  It was a really nice day. 

Paddle boats here we come!  Aren't these two just too cute for words. 

Ok Dad get paddling!! 

Alyssa's turn to sit next to Dad.  

Now the little munchkins are in the front.  They had a great time. 

When we got home Asher had one last surprise.  A NEW BIKE!!!  He loved it! 

We quickly got ready for a bike ride around the neighborhood.  He did really well and could ride it ALL day.  

Look at that stud!

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