Monday, July 16, 2012

Celebrating Asher's 2nd Birthday!

Yesterday we celebrated Asher turning 2.  Because we are currently staying in a hotel on base my dear friend Mallory offered her house for the party.  It was a lot of fun and for Mommy's heart a little sad seeing my baby grow up :(

This was my second attempt at a fancy cake.  I was very pleased with the out come (and it tasted great too).
Thank you again Mallory for guiding me. 

We are just about to sing to my boy.  I instructed AJ that he might need to help Asher to blow out the candles because I never told him what to do.  

Well I was surprised.  He needed no assistance at all.  Once again he showed me we was all grown up :(  We had to light the candles twice because he didn't wait until we were done singing.  

His aim was much better than Alyssa's but still a little off.  But once he did it we all clapped and he had the biggest smile on his face and said "YEAH!"
(I was so bummed I missed the greatest photo shot.) 

He got a big piece and ate every drop.  He must like Mommy's cakes.  And yes it kept him up late!

All grown up!

Opening a couple of his gifts.  Cars was the theme.  I am going to be the mom with extra McQueens in her purse for back up. 

Monday, July 9, 2012

Wrest Park

Instead of seeing the Olympic torch run through our town we decided to go to Wrest Park.  The weather was a typical british day with clouds and spots of rain but we still had a good time.  Hope you enjoy our pictures of one of our last outings in England :(

We started the day off with the kids playing on the playground.  This was not a good idea because it was really hard to part them from it to see an "old house" as Alyssa calls it.   

It wasn't raining at the time but Alyssa loves her umbrella.  And she looks adorable posing with it :)

My handsome husband humoring me with my picture taking.  We couldn't get the kids to get in the shot.   

and this is why!  
I am sure glad we didn't have to pay for them to get SOAKING wet from a giant puddle.  They ran through this over and over again.  Asher even fell face first into it and was soaked top to bottom.  They couldn't have been happier.  

Alyssa asked when we walked up to the house "can we move into this house?"  
"Of course, honey.  Just call me Elizabeth Darcy"

In the middle of this gorgeous yard was a croquet match going on. I believe this moment was a true british moment.  Overcast skies, GREEN everywhere, and little old men in all white playing croquet.  Have you ever seen a cut-throat croquet game?!  It is like an  


A family shot in front of the house.  Not the best angle but still a good family shot.  

This is actually one of my practice shots setting up the tripod but I just loved the view, and I am not just talking about my boys.  

Family shot looking away from the house.  
Could it get more perfect?!

I swear Alyssa tried to smell every one of these roses.  We had to bust out the "who wants to go back to the playground" card to get her to stop.  She just needed to soak up more sweetness (if that is even possible).  

Sunday, July 8, 2012

4th of July Fun!

The only thing good about living in the hotel on base is that we didn't have to find parking when going to enjoy the 4th of July festival on base.  We had a great time but made for a long day for Asher and even longer day for Alyssa.  I hope you enjoy the cute faces of my babies having some 4th fun...

This is so an Asher (and grandpa) face.  This was the first ride the kids went on.  It doesn't look like it here but Asher loved this ride.  He ended up on this ride about 8 times.  The attendant even said he was going to be a pilot :)

This is practice for when we make it to Disneyland to the REAL spin cups.  Right now this was not Asher's favorite ride.  He will need some more practice as he gets older.  Alyssa enjoyed herself.  

Alyssa's face says it all.  They had a lot of fun on the rides and most the time they rode together.  It is great when the kids get along (doesn't happen often).  

Weeeeee!  We spent a good 30 mins watching Alyssa go down the "little" slide.  She was only suppose to be on for 5 mins but she was one of just 3 kids so the lady didn't pay much attention to them.  

Next to the "little" slide was the "mega" slide.  Asher was unable to go up the ladder of the "little" slide on his own and AJ was not aloud on it at all.  So AJ took Asher on the "mega" slide.  His face was priceless.  He didn't seem like he was enjoying himself but we couldn't get him off the slide.  

Next it was Mommy and Alyssa's turn.  Mommy made it down about three times before my legs started to die from the climb (I know I need to workout).  Alyssa kept on going and enjoyed every minute of it.  

The last ride we went on was a mirror maze.  All 4 of us went and you should have see us trying to do the spinning tunnel at the end!  Alyssa and I fell on top of each other.  I was laughing so hard I thought I would have to change my pants.  I wish someone was filming it.  Afterwards, they had spin disks to walk on and here is AJ helping Asher do them.  

We went inside around 8 to put Asher to bed (to young to hang all night).  When the Grover's made it to base to enjoy the rides, Alyssa and I joined them.  Alyssa got to do one ride on the bumper boats with Carson before the fireworks started.  

Alyssa and I after we saw the fireworks.  We really enjoyed them but had to stay up until 11pm to see them.  Can you see it in my babies eyes?  She was SOOO tired.