Saturday, March 12, 2011

Grafham Water

Our second adventure in England was to Grafham Water.  It only took us three times to actually visit there. The first time we needed to pay 3 pounds to park and we had no pounds or an account to get pounds.  The second attempt the weather was really cold.  I got out of the car for about 10 mins (enough time to have a goose chase  Alyssa and I).  Asher was still sick and it was really foggy so we decided to try another time.  Well the third time was a charm.  Grafham Water is a man made lake and according to a co-worker of AJ's (who is from the area) says that when the water is low enough you can see the steeple of the church from the town that is under the lake.  Personally I think that is creepy but cool at the same time.  In the morning we woke up the a really cloudy and cold day but as it happens here the weather decided to change and became a beautiful day (50 degrees).  So we packed up and headed to the lake.  Below are the pictures of our successful trip to Grafham Water: 
Alyssa pretending she is a tree in the hole. 

My men watching - Nice hair AJ

Enjoying himself from the back seat. 

Not sure what they are looking at but love this picture. 

Me and my loves...too cute

Two beautiful smiles

Flowers for mommy :)

Brrrr...really cold!

She was all about climbing on the rocks...not my girl. 

A girl with her dad and....

A boy with his mom. 


  1. I love these pictures! Looks cold but beautiful.

  2. What a beautiful family!! Keep these pictures coming!! Miss you!!
