Tuesday, May 29, 2012


We have a small to-do list before we leave England in July and on that list was visiting the White Cliffs of Dover.  We were unable to find a beach by the White Cliffs but the sites were still beautiful.  Hope you enjoy the pictures of the cliffs and the B&B we stayed at.
The closest we got to the White Cliffs.  
What an amazing site.

Asher enjoying the view.  
Don't worry, Daddy is just out of the shot. 

Bonding with Daddy.
Asher could not get enough of the "boats".  We sat here to eat some dinner and enjoyed the weather. 

I just had to take a picture of this road up the to B&B.  I don't even think we could have opened our doors if we wanted to.  

Entertainment for the kids.  From the B&B we could see about 20 horses in the different fields below.  

Alyssa's first photo of us.  She did a great job and learned she has a passion for the camera (noticed by the 500 pictures she took in one day)

Another photo of us compliments of Alyssa.  We couldn't get enough of the gorgeous weather. 

After the kids were in bed, AJ and I got to enjoy the scenery together.  I love horses just as much as Alyssa (well, almost).

Sunset, what a dream. 

And another one of my dream...my family.  

Almost an adorable picture.  My not-even-two-year-old was not wanting to be bothered while he played with my Ipod. 

We took all electronics away to get some cute family photos.  

Our view during breakfast.  Need I say more :)

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful pictures!!!!! The scenery is amazing. I have a question, do you know what makes the White Cliffs white? Great photography Alyssa :) I love the way you caught the sun reflection in the window. Hope you are having a nice day.
