Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Dover Castle

While visiting Dover we had to go to the Dover Castle.  This trip turned out to be a big surprise for me.  I thought it was going to be just like any other old building we saw but I was wrong.  They had props in the tower that the kids were able to play with and the underground tunnels had really interesting history.  This was enjoyed by all....

My cute family in from of the main tower.  

Alyssa was so happy that there was a Mommy size door and an Alyssa size door.  I love this girl!

This kitchen with fake props (check out the slabs of meat hanging).  Alyssa was in heaven.  She was pretending that she was making dinner.  We had to pry her away to see the rest of the castle. 

A chair fit for two cuties.  

Alyssa wants to come back so she can sit on the thrown like a queen.  

Writing in the scroll room.  

The gorgeous view from the top of the tower.  

Morning fog coming in from the channel over the houses.  

All I need is for Asher to have something that makes a big BOOM.  Good thing I can't fit it in my purse.  

This is what Alyssa kept screaming from this podium in the underground tunnels. 

My boys posing for me. 

Family shot.  This was taken from the balcony carved out of the White Cliffs.  Not much to see in the photo (except 4 beauties) but pretty amazing view.  

Enjoying a cool treat from the ice cream parlour.  Perfect way to end the day. 


We have a small to-do list before we leave England in July and on that list was visiting the White Cliffs of Dover.  We were unable to find a beach by the White Cliffs but the sites were still beautiful.  Hope you enjoy the pictures of the cliffs and the B&B we stayed at.
The closest we got to the White Cliffs.  
What an amazing site.

Asher enjoying the view.  
Don't worry, Daddy is just out of the shot. 

Bonding with Daddy.
Asher could not get enough of the "boats".  We sat here to eat some dinner and enjoyed the weather. 

I just had to take a picture of this road up the to B&B.  I don't even think we could have opened our doors if we wanted to.  

Entertainment for the kids.  From the B&B we could see about 20 horses in the different fields below.  

Alyssa's first photo of us.  She did a great job and learned she has a passion for the camera (noticed by the 500 pictures she took in one day)

Another photo of us compliments of Alyssa.  We couldn't get enough of the gorgeous weather. 

After the kids were in bed, AJ and I got to enjoy the scenery together.  I love horses just as much as Alyssa (well, almost).

Sunset, what a dream. 

And another one of my dream...my family.  

Almost an adorable picture.  My not-even-two-year-old was not wanting to be bothered while he played with my Ipod. 

We took all electronics away to get some cute family photos.  

Our view during breakfast.  Need I say more :)

Saturday, May 26, 2012


It has been many months since my last post and I do apologize.  I hope the pictures from our trip to Legoland will make up for it.  It was the perfect day with perfect weather.  We had a BLAST and hope to go back some day.  Hope you enjoy...
The lego man welcoming us.  Alyssa was so excited over all the legos.   

RRRRRRRAW says Asher.  

Fireman Asher steering the firetruck (although not doing a very good job looking the wrong way).

My beautiful family standing in front of the first ride where we had to put out the fire on the house behind them.  The start of a great day.  

What a cute face.  
He was in aw of the hot air balloons we were on.  

Look at those two good looking girls.  

LOOK OUT!!! Alyssa is driving by herself.  
She did a great job and earned herself a drivers license.  

Asher and his best bud.  Getting ready to see some dinosaurs.  

On our favorite ride, the submarine.  They LOVED the sharks and other fish they got to see.  We only went on it 4 times.  

Infront of a little village made of legos.  
This was really amazing to look at.  

We can't leave without Alyssa getting her face painted.   

This time we went with a fairy look.  
So adorable, I just want to kiss that face.  
"But mom you will mess up my make-up"

Alyssa with her best gal.  One of mommy's favorite rides.  

Watching a pirate show.  
Asher was very into it and Alyssa can't stop talking about it.    

I am ALL Boy!
Asher enjoying his train ride. 

Alyssa got to sit on a giraffes lap on the train.  
A good way to end a wonderful day.