Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Brancaster Beach

The temperature was a warm 68 degrees so we decided to go to the beach.  After a 2 hour drive we finally made it to discover that it was much colder by the water.  Asher was not fond of the wind and cold weather but Alyssa was in heaven.  She loved every minute of it and has asked to go back every day since.  Below are just a handful of pictures from our first journey to the beach.  Enjoy!

The shore line view from the water.  Alyssa picking up seashells.

Alyssa and Daddy taking off their shoes to enjoy the COLD water.  Notice mommy is not joining them.  

For some reason I just thought this was the cutest picture.  

Enjoying the water and looking out to the deep blue.  

Being such a girl.  Its cold, its cold she keeps saying.  Do you think she put her shoes back on....NO. 

A boy and his dad enjoying the view.  

Alyssa liked it when their feet kept sinking in the sand.  They were having a good time.  

Enjoyed the beach a little more when Dad blocked the wind.  

Loved playing with the sand and kicking it around. 

Alyssa playing in the sand...and yes the horseys made it to the beach.  

Daddy and Asher relaxing on the sand.  Too cute. 

Mommy and Alyssa hanging out.  I love that little face. 

Dad and his babies.  Trying to get them to all look at once was NOT going to happen.  But cute picture anyway. 


  1. You are a great photographer!!! Love the pictures

  2. I love these pictures. I miss you all sooooo much
