Saturday, March 26, 2011

My weird health problems.

For the last 2 weeks I have been stuck in our hotel room except for the 2 visit to the doctors.  For starters Sunday March 14th we went to a friends house to enjoy a delicious dinner and just before leaving my left breast starting to hurt.  By the time we got home I started to get really cold and felt like the flu was coming on. The next day I was really sick but it only lasted for 24hrs but my breast was still really sore.  Turns out I had a mild case of Mastitis.
But wait my weird sicknesses don't stop there.  The same week on Thursday I woke up with a sore left eye.  At first I thought I just scratched it but after a couple days and my eye being super red I self diagnose it as pinkeye.  But was I WRONG!  Turns out I had not one but two cold sores on my left eye.  If you thought cold sores were painful on your lips try having them on your eye and did I mention......GROSS!  I am currently on meds to take care of the problem and return to the doctor later this week for a check-up.  At this time I am going to ask how in the heck you get cold sores on your eye anyway.  The first visit I was trying too hard not to laugh at the diagnosis to remember to ask.
Everyone keep me in your thoughts and prayers that nothing else will go wrong so we can enjoy this weather that is just beautiful.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Our first experience "eating out"

We decided to go out to eat tonight at Frankie & Bennys.  The food and experience was just like you would get at Applebees.  They were very family friendly and they had really nice activity books for Alyssa and balloons for kids.  The funny thing I found was they were very family friendly but all glass cups (even for the kids).  I obviously had to hold Ashers cup for him.  Another thing was when they sang Happy Birthday they turned down the radio they had playing overhead to blare "Happy Birthday" and they turned off ALL the lights.  So, for as long as it takes to sing Happy Birthday you cant see your food.  It made me laugh because I would be embarrassed.  The overall experience was fun and they whole family enjoyed.

Other news:
-Our Honda came in this week and AJ picked it up today.  He made it back to Alconbury alive from driving a US speck car.
-For those who don't know - we found a house.  Count down to moving starts - April 26th couldn't come soon enough.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Grafham Water

Our second adventure in England was to Grafham Water.  It only took us three times to actually visit there. The first time we needed to pay 3 pounds to park and we had no pounds or an account to get pounds.  The second attempt the weather was really cold.  I got out of the car for about 10 mins (enough time to have a goose chase  Alyssa and I).  Asher was still sick and it was really foggy so we decided to try another time.  Well the third time was a charm.  Grafham Water is a man made lake and according to a co-worker of AJ's (who is from the area) says that when the water is low enough you can see the steeple of the church from the town that is under the lake.  Personally I think that is creepy but cool at the same time.  In the morning we woke up the a really cloudy and cold day but as it happens here the weather decided to change and became a beautiful day (50 degrees).  So we packed up and headed to the lake.  Below are the pictures of our successful trip to Grafham Water: 
Alyssa pretending she is a tree in the hole. 

My men watching - Nice hair AJ

Enjoying himself from the back seat. 

Not sure what they are looking at but love this picture. 

Me and my loves...too cute

Two beautiful smiles

Flowers for mommy :)

Brrrr...really cold!

She was all about climbing on the rocks...not my girl. 

A girl with her dad and....

A boy with his mom.