Thursday, July 17, 2014

Asher turns 4!

Could my title be right? Is my baby 4 years old!  We have enjoyed these last 4 years so much.  He has made this family whole.  With his silly faces and off-the-wall jokes he keeps us laughing through-out the day.  I won't lie, he does drive us up the wall at times but I wouldn't change him in any way.  Happy Birthday to my sweet Asher James.  

Enjoying presents from Mommy and Daddy.  He got two nerf guns to play with his sister (these were so cheap and awful they went right into the trash), an Angry Birds game, and the best gift - a snorkel set with flippers.  These made one boy very happy!

Having a virtual cake with Grandma and Papa Mullen.  It is sad my kids thinks this is normal.  But he loved it.  

Excited for more presents from them.  He got cars and a more fancier nerf gun (a much nicer one than the one mom gave him).  

Took him to Macaroni Grill for dinner.  These kids love pasta!

Asher the tiger :)

Big sister showing how a tiger smiles. 

Happy Birthday in Italian.  He really enjoyed it.  

Blowing out his candle.  Glad he got a small cake because I didn't have one for him :/


Even though we are in a hotel we made the best of the day.  So excited to see what the next year will bring this sweet face.  

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