Sunday, February 5, 2012

Let it snow, let it snow!!!

This morning we woke up to a winter wonderland.  As I was lying in bed I heard Alyssa get out of her room and look out our front window and say "oh cool." That's when I knew we were going to have one fun day.  Enjoy the pictures of all the fun we had in the snow...

Before I let the kids go out in the snow and make tracks through it, I got of a few (hundred) shots of our yard.  It seemed fake, it was so perfectly white.  I definitely wasn't in Phoenix anymore.

The bummer thing about photos is it doesn't capture the feel and sound of the my surroundings.  It was so calm and quiet.  I felt like I was in a different world.  Very peaceful.  

Then I let the rascals out.  First I started with Alyssa.  She wasted no time make tracks all through the yard.  You would have thought she had never seen snow before.  Oh wait, she hasn't.  

It didn't take long to learn about snowball fighting.  She was pretty good at it.  

Just love this shot of her exploring the area.  I was being sneaky :)

Now it was Asher's turn.  He was not so willing.  I am not sure he ever got comfortable with the "white stuff". 

Last night I told Alyssa we might wake up to some snow on the ground.  She was excited because she wanted to build a snowman with a carrot for a nose.  She got her wish.  

The newest member of our family.  Mrs Snowman (notice the pink hat).  

Here is AJ showing Alyssa how to make a snow angel.  

And I think she got it.  What a sweet angel, and Alyssa too. 

AJ being.... well AJ

Asher being concerned there is a ball in the pit.  

Trying to get more AJ and I shots.  This one turned out pretty good.  

We are all looking forward to more fun in the snow....until it melts.