Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Alyssa turns 4!

You never truly understand when someone says that time flies until you have a child.  Our first born has turned 4 this month.  I am afraid to close my eyes because I know when I open them her father will be walking her down the aisle.  She has grown into such a beautiful little girl with such a great imagination.  I look forward to seeing what her future holds for her but it can take its time.  Below are some great pictures of her birthday celebration...Enjoy!

My great friend here in England made the most wonderful cake for Alyssa.  And she must know my daughter because she put a horse on top.  (And it was very yummy...thanks Mallory)

She is 4! and she is telling everybody she sees, including strangers.  

I love this shot just because I will always remember that this was the only shot I got before I had to show her how to blow out the candles.  Her form was good but the aim was a little off, the air went right over the candles.  I had to finally tell her to blow at the cake...and they went right out. 

Thank you Grandma Muhs for a replacement purple dress.  As most of you know she had a beautiful purple dress that she out grew but still managed to wear it.  Finally we convinced her it was too small and she was very sad.  Now she is happily wearing her new purple dress.    

Alyssa's best friend here in England, Carson, gave her a puppy bingo game.  She has beaten me a number of times.  She loves playing it. Thank you Carson.

What little girl could live without a doll house (besides me)?  This was her gift from Mom and Dad.  She loved it but the first thing she asked was where are the dolls?  
(You will have to stay tuned to see if she got any from Santa.) 

A very cute photo opportunity with Alyssa and Carson.  They will truly miss each other when we have to move :(